Mango Pepper

This cross between the MK and the Mauve poivrée is not really a pure landrace but it grows almost similar !

Yield indoor

550g / m2


Mangu Karot x Mauve poivrée

Skill level


Plant type

Sativa 100%

Flowering period Indoor

100 +

Flowering period outdoor

End November

Plant height


THC level


CBD level

< 1

Calming Energizing
Low High
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Mango Pepper is a 100% Sativa hybrid created from two different landrace lines from La Reunion: Zamal “Mangu Karot” and Mafate “Mauve Poivrée”.

Developed by breeder Bourbon for French Touch Seeds, Mango Pepper is a pure Sativa strain characterized for its spicy, peppery smell, which is more or less intense depending on the crop height.

With vigorous growth and a long flowering period (100-120 days), it is not only suitable for tropical climates but also for indoor cultivation. In this case, FTS recommend using clones and putting them to bloom as they are transplanted, otherwise the plants can take too much space.

Starting from seed with low temperatures is not recommended with Mango Pepper, which absolutely loves warm temperatures.

Its flexible and slender branches get progressively covered with buds once into bloom, releasing an amazing spicy and fruity scent. The effect is stimulating, uplifting and long lasting, worthy of the best Sativas.