Mangu Karot

The Mangu karot is one of the legend Sativa from the Réunion island.

Produccion indoor

450g / m2



Nivel de cultivo


Tipo de planta

Sativa 100%

Floracion interior

100 +

Floracion exterior

End November



Nivel de THC


CBD level

< 1

Calming Energizing
Low High
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We are proud to present our Mangu Karot, a famous landrace strain from La Reunion (Zamal).

This 100% Sativa strain grows vigorous and slender, and needs around 100-130 days to complete its flowering. Yields are abundant, with lots of long and frosty buds.

As happens with most 100% Sativa plants, our advice for indoor growers is to use clones and put them to bloom as they show the first roots. In this way, the height of the plants is limited so they’re easier to handle.

Mangu Karot rewards the patience of the grower with awesome buds, long and completely covered with resin glands. The scent is exotic and unique, a subtle blend of mango and carrot notes. The effect is energizing and uplifting, suitable to improve mood and perform your daily activities.

We do not recommend to start these seeds with low temperatures.